Dubai is known for its impressive skyscrapers, luxurious hotels, and vibrant nightlife, but it is also a great destination for families. With its wide range of family-friendly attractions, Dubai has something for everyone, from thrilling theme parks and water parks to stunning beaches and cultural experiences.
Theme Parks
Dubai is home to some of the most exciting theme parks in the world, with rides and attractions for all ages. Here are some of the top theme parks that are perfect for families.
IMG Worlds of Adventure
IMG Worlds of Adventure is the largest indoor theme park in the world, with an area of over 1.5 million square feet. The park is divided into four zones, each with its own theme and attractions. There are rides based on popular franchises like Marvel, Cartoon Network, and Lost Valley, as well as live shows and restaurants.
Motiongate Dubai
Motiongate Dubai is a Hollywood-inspired theme park with rides and attractions based on popular movies like The Hunger Games, Shrek, and Ghostbusters. The park is divided into five zones, each with its own theme and attractions. Motiongate Dubai also has a wide range of dining options and live entertainment.
Legoland Dubai
Legoland Dubai is a theme park designed for families tourist things to do in dubai with children between the ages of 2 and 12. The park has over 40 rides and attractions, including roller coasters, water rides, and a 4D cinema. Legoland Dubai also has a Miniland, which features miniature models of famous landmarks from around the world.
Water Parks
Dubai’s hot climate makes it the perfect destination for water parks, and the city has some of the best in the world. Here are some of the top water parks that are perfect for families. Aquaventure Waterpark
Aquaventure Waterpark is located at Atlantis, The Palm, one of Dubai’s most luxurious hotels. The park has over 30 water rides and attractions, including the world’s largest slide tube and a 2.3-kilometer lazy river. Aquaventure Waterpark also has a private beach, restaurants, and a children’s play area.
Wild Wadi Water Park
Wild Wadi Water Park is located next to the iconic Burj Al Arab hotel and has over 30 rides and attractions. The park is inspired by the tale of Juha, a popular character in Arabic folklore, and has a wide range of water rides, including the Jumeirah Sceirah, which is the tallest and fastest free-fall water slide outside of North America.
Laguna Waterpark
Laguna Waterpark is located at La Mer, one of Dubai’s most popular beachfront destinations. The park has four zones, each with its own theme and attractions. Laguna Waterpark also has a lazy river, a wave pool, and a children’s play area. The park is perfect for families with children of all ages.
Other Family-Friendly Activities
Dubai has many other family-friendly activities that are perfect for families looking for something different. Here are some of the top activities that you should consider during your trip to Dubai. Dubai Miracle Garden
The Dubai Miracle Garden is a stunning garden that is home to over 45 million flowers. The garden is spread over 72,000 square meters and has over 120 flower varieties. The garden also has a butterfly garden, a floral clock, and a sensory garden, making it the perfect place for families to spend an afternoon.
Dubai Creek
Dubai Creek is the historic heart of Dubai and is a great place for families to experience the city’s culture and history. Families can take a traditional wooden boat, called an abra. visit Dubai city and enjoy the best tour of your life.
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